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General Administration of Customs of China: Take multiple measures to improve the level of facilitation of cargo clearance

At the regular policy briefing held by the Information Office of the State Council, the relevant person in charge of the General Business Department of the

General Administration of Customs introduced that the General Administration of Customs actively responded to the impact of unexpected factors, introduced

a number of measures to improve the level of facilitation of cargo clearance and boost confidence in foreign trade development.

It is reported that in order to minimize the adverse impact of the epidemic on foreign trade, the customs will further promote the pilot projects of “ship

sidedirect lifting” of imported goods and “direct loading” of export goods at eligible ports, support the expansion of the pilot scope of “confirmation of departure”

and other models, optimize the regulatory measures for cross-border rapid customs clearance, and cooperate with the improvement of the non-contact cargo

handover model.
Jin Hai, Director of the General Business Department of the General Administration of Customs, said that all efforts should be made to ensure the safety

and smoothness of customs clearance at ports and improve the level of facilitation of customs clearance for import and export goods. At present, from the

perspective of customs business in the Yangtze River Delta and other regions, the import and export of goods have recovered significantly, and the stable

development of foreign trade still has a certain foundation.

The General Administration of Customs said that in the next step, the customs will continue to strengthen the tracking, research and statistical analysis of

the foreign trade situation, constantly consolidate and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of import and export goods, ensure the smooth circulation

of the supply chain of the industrial chain in key regions, and provide strong support for the stable development of foreign trade.